Quartier Clairmarais-Charles Arnould à Reims (51100)
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Description du professionnel
2 chambre(s) libre(s) dans une colocation de 1 chambres dans un appartment de 11m2 REIMS Clairmarais / 75 Rue Lecointre / 15 min by walk to the center / 2 stations with tramway ( from Danton or St-Thomas) 25 min door to door to Neoma/Science Po Room available in a furnished flatshare of 4. This new flatshare is located in a secure area with shops and transportation nearby (2min by walk). Guarantor needed or Visale. Please note that Studapart takes some admininistrative fees when booking. Updated on 06/02/2025 Mise à jour le 06/02/2025
Chauffage et diagnostics
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Agences immobilières
Informations légales de l'agence
RCS : 790562813
Référence : PA-73753
Plus de résultats
Location à Reims (51100)
- Immobilier
- Annonces
- Location Studio Champagne-Ardenne
- Location Studio Marne
- Location Studio Reims
- Location Studio Clairmarais-Charles Arnould
Location Studio 11 m² Reims - Clairmarais-Charles Arnould